Sunday, November 05, 2006

time for murals!

with some much needed time off i've had time to throw down a few murals. me and my bro, phil painted some trees and critters in our friends john and gloria's new kids room a little more than a week ago.

phil painting ocean.
From New Album 11/...

phil in front of masterpiece
From New Album 11/...

a most delicious landing
From New Album 11/...

modes of transport.
From New Album 11/...

and then yesterday i hung out at ghostown. a warehouse in oakland where my brother marko lives and painted a big ol' demon head over a doorway. (note: it's not quite done yet!

marko about to get eaten.
From murals 11/5/0...


1 comment:

Biggedy said...

Looks like good stuff! Hey... I know those space aliens!